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How Does Dry Cooling Work?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-18      Origin: Site

How does dry cooling work?

Dry cooling works through the following process:

Air is drawn or forced through a heat exchanger. The hot fluid or gas that needs to be cooled passes through the heat exchanger. As the air flows over the hot fluid, heat is transferred from the fluid to the air. The heated air is then discharged to the atmosphere, carrying away the heat. The cooled fluid exits the heat exchanger and can be reused or continue in the process.

This process is based on the principle of convective heat transfer. The design of the dry cooler typically includes features such as fins or other surface enhancements to increase the heat transfer efficiency. The rate of cooling depends on factors like the airflow rate, the temperature difference between the fluid and the air, and the surface area of the heat exchanger. For example, in a dry cooler used in an industrial process, hot coolant might enter the heat exchanger, and a fan or blower forces air through it. The coolant is cooled as the heat is transferred to the air, which is then vented out. In a power plant, steam might be cooled in a similar manner to condense it back into water for reuse.

How does dry cooling work


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