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How to Clean the Condenser Coil?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-09-05      Origin: Site

How to Clean the Condenser Coil?

Cleaning the condenser coil can be done according to the following steps:


Switch off the chiller: Before cleaning the condenser coil, the chiller must be switched off and the power supply cut off to ensure safety.

Prepare cleaning tools and materials: including high-pressure water gun, cleaning agent (such as specialised condenser cleaner or weak alkaline cleaner), brush, protective gloves, goggles and so on.

Initial Cleaning

Remove external debris: use tools such as brushes or brooms to remove dust, leaves, debris, etc. from the outside of the condenser coil to prevent these debris from entering the inside of the coil during the cleaning process.

Chemical Cleaning

Preparation of cleaning agent solution: in accordance with the instructions for the use of cleaning agents, cleaning agents and the appropriate amount of water mixed, prepared into a cleaning solution.

Soak the coil: Spray the cleaning solution evenly on the condenser coil and let it soak fully for a period of time, generally 15 - 30 minutes. This will allow the cleaning solution to better dissolve and remove dirt and deposits from the coil.

Brushing the Coil: Use a brush to gently brush the surface of the condenser coil, especially the gaps between the fins, to remove stubborn dirt. Be careful not to use too much force to avoid damaging the coil.


High-pressure water gun flushing: Use high-pressure water gun with appropriate pressure (generally not more than 5000 psi) to flush the condenser coil from different angles. Flushing should start from the top of the coil, gradually downward flushing, to ensure that the cleaning agent and dirt thoroughly rinsed clean.

Check flushing effectiveness: During the flushing process, observe that the water coming out is clear. If there is still dirt residue, you can repeat the cleaning and rinsing steps until the outflow water is clear.

Replacement Condenser Coil 2

Drying and Inspection

Natural drying: After flushing, let the condenser coil dry naturally for a period of time to ensure that the inside and surface of the coil are completely dry.

Check the coil: carefully check whether the condenser coil is damaged, deformed or corroded. If problems are found, they should be repaired or replaced in time.

Resume Operation

Clean up the site: Clean up the wastewater and sundries generated during the cleaning process and keep the site tidy.

Start the chiller: After confirming that there is no problem with the condenser coil, restart the chiller and observe whether its operation status is normal.


During the cleaning process, pay attention to safety, wear protective gloves and goggles to prevent the cleaning agent and high-pressure water gun from causing harm to the human body.

Select the appropriate cleaning agent, avoid using cleaning agents that are corrosive to the condenser coil.

Strictly follow the cleaning steps to ensure the cleaning effect and equipment safety.

Regular cleaning of the condenser coil, generally recommended to clean 1 - 2 times a year, the specific cleaning frequency can be based on the actual use of the situation.


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